There is nothing quite like being slapped into reality. Silly me, I believed that it was still possible for a nobody like Abraham Lincoln to be elected president. I believed that the so-called Land of Opportunity was still that. If I am self-depreciating enough, I will admit that I actually believed, oh, that there was still justice in this country, even a little bit.
Yeah, I'm dumb.
The court update with my parents, about their grandson (my half-nephew) who has abused them and threatened to kill them is this: my parents were coerced into signing papers they didn't understand so they are at fault. MDHHS -- that brilliant bastion of complete stupidity who answers to no one -- claims my dad has early onset dementia, because the nephew's psychiatrist says so -- because the 11 year old boy said so. If my dad does, then how can they coerce him into an admission that isn't true?
Oh, and the overall goal, besides taking all the money CPS can from my parents, is to put the grandson back in. Yes, the same one who threatened to kill them, and who held my dad hostage while my mom almost died in the hospital.
The referee, the lawyers, CPS and MDHHS, are all more concerned with making money and getting on the golf course than solving the problem of a child so horribly abused that he never should have been placed with his grandparents. Except the State of Michigan was more concerned with getting the kids out of the system, and so their facilitator lied -- and was paid a $10,000 bonus. $5,000 per child. The Brockitt case was worth $20,000.
As some of you know, my mom almost died in January. She is not able to walk very well, and frankly, I have been in the middle ground of my parents, as my mom is in denial about what she is and isn't able to do. She is unable to do very little, and I can't see how she will be able to stay on her own once my dad dies of the stress of this situation. (No one seems to recall his heart problems, or that his grandson attempted to kill him.) There are days I don't understand how she can be home at all.
But hey, there's a lot of people who need to make their money and hurry up to get out onto the golf course. Maybe we should hang the lawyers, judges, social workers and others who can't be bothered with their jobs..... but they make too much money. Must be nice to consistently replace an abuser into the same home, and not be held liable for breaking the law, eh Samantha? The law says an abuser cannot be placed back into the home. Must be nice to be able to watch elder abuse occur and not be named as accessory when you refused to stop it, eh Keith?
"Cut the telephone line and the story's the same."
Can't your parents just refuse to take him? He's not their son, and even if he was, parents can put kids into the 'system'.
ReplyDeleteThey adopted him. By law, he's their son, and CPS refers to him as such. When they called me his sister, he looked at me and his eyes narrowed. As his aunt, I had authority. As his "sister," in his eyes I don't.