If a picture is worth a thousand words, this should be worth a million. These signs showed up in my township the last few days:
The entire text of the proposed ordinance changes are here:
All that is missing from the text is the ordinance requiring all those without an approved income, lifestyle, or house value to be removed from the township.
Perhaps I would be less upset if the eejits hadn't tried to raise my taxes on my garden lot 90%. Or if they hadn't, oh, told me I didn't really live in the township. As the old billboard on Featherstone Road in Pontiac read, "A bullet in the head would be more merciful than 20 years of political torture and..."
EDIT: I spoke with the township supervisor. He had the ordinance removed from the proposal at the last meeting and he was not in favor of it. Unfortunately, this points out another issue in the township -- communication. Zoom meetings work when you have decent internet, but there are those of us who don't. I am so grateful that I don't have to fight this battle that I can live with the rest of it.