This has been my 2020 thus far:
~My mom went into the hospital January 17th. She had two bacterial infections in her leg (likely from being kicked by the grandson they adopted 8 years ago), pneumonia, fluid in lungs and around heart, and was in full septic shock. 13 days in ICU, 2 days on the floor from hell, then a month in rehab (at a wonderful place).
~ On top of that, said grandson became more and more violent. My parents have been abused all along without getting the help they have needed, and this time was no different. The day came where my dad was held hostage in the house by an 11 year old. When he was supposed to pick him up from juvie a few days later, my dad could not for his own safety and that of his granddaughter, who was also being abused by her brother. (He hit her in the neck the day of the hostage situation.)
~Now CPS and Michigan Dept of Health and Human Services are involved. It is a flaming joke. No, I cannot call it a joke. Those departments are complete and utter travesties of justice. My parents are put into the position of having to say they abused the grandson in order to get funding, for him to not be able to beat them up. There is now a court case and trial, as my parents didn't want to perjure themselves. (Funny, that.)
This is the short version. I don't have it in me to relieve this in detail.
April 1st begins the kitchen project. Only the last few days have I been HOME to clean out the kitchen and begin to get ready for completely evacuating the kitchen and laundry room. I still have furniture to haul out (stove, fridge, washer and dryer must go somewhere) and all sorts of fun stuff to figure out in between doctor's appointments. (Don't ask why my dad isn't capable, but he isn't.)
As the Barenaked Ladies sang, "Pinch me."
Guess it wouldn't be horrible to live another 20 years with pipes in walls and freezing, the washer perched on a 2x4, and the largest galley kitchen in the world.